Non-Profit Academy 2015

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Non-profit leaders, executives, front line staff, board members and volunteers from Elk County and the surrounding region are encouraged to attend. There will be a minimal registration fee (continental breakfast and lunch provided).

WHERE: The Highlands (formerly The St. Marys Country Club) 535 So Michael Street, St. Marys, PA

Report on Stackpole-Hall’s Long Range Planning

Dr. William Conrad

Executive Director of The Stackpole-Hall Foundtion

Keynote Address

Newspaper, Radio, Cable, Social Media

and Word of Mouth……Oh My!

Harlan Beagley

Publisher of The Daily Press, The Ridgway Record and The Kane Republican

Will Discuss A Look At The Media And How It Works!

Break-Out Session Description

 Small Games of Chance: Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Afraid to Ask

Presenter: Lieutenant James A. Jones Jr.

Western Section Commander Pennsylvania State Police | Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement

            We all have questions about small games of chance.   When do you need a license? Are there payout     limits? How does Bingo Differ from Small Games of Chance?  What Record keeping do we need?  Many of the new laws are subject to interpretation and this session hopes to answer a few of them.   These are just a few of the questions that will be discussed and if you have specific questions, enclose them with your registration and we will be sure Lieutenant Jones has the answers and information.


Social Media is your friend, not your enemy!

Presenter: Matt Checchio

Marketing Strategist and Consultant  

Social Media is your friend, not your enemy!  The emergence of social media over the past decade forces us to include these platforms in our strategic marketing and communications.  Matt will review the current state of social media marketing and discuss how social media can enhance marketing.  Specific topics requested will also be addressed such as “When to set up an event page on Facebook”, “How to use Social Media tools effectively”, and “tips on how to utilize multiple social media platforms at once”.  Matt Checchio is the president of his own firm, Magnus Marketing, and is also the marketing director for Penn State DuBois.

Recruiting and Motivating Younger Volunteers  

Presenter: Rich Scott

Corporate Projects Mgr, Executive Coach, and Certified Trainer with Dale Carnegie Training.


When we talk about Employee Engagement, specifically how it applies to Millennials, we need to know what their values are and what motivates them. And then, to go even deeper, how do we read different personality types and adjust our communication style to that type?

Standards for Excellence 2.0 – Resources for Everyone!

Presenter: Tish Mogan

PANO (Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations) Standards for Excellence Officer

The Standards for Excellence® Program has gone through an “extreme makeover” to keep current with nonprofit trends. The new 2.0 version contains additional resources, tools and supports that any nonprofit can utilize to make improvements to board governance, create efficiency with operations and build donor confidence. The Standards for Excellence Program is not just about accreditation. It is a resource that can meet any nonprofit where it is and help move it to its next step.

Event Fundraising: It Takes a Village

Presenter: Penny Schnarrs 

Sr. Director, Communications and Constituent Relations at Point Park University

Event Fundraising: It takes a village. Learn how to recruit and engage volunteers in fundraising events using a grassroots method. Learn which events work best for your organization, the latest trends, threats and best practices for event fundraising.


Women Who Care Grant Applications are currently available with a deadline for submission by August 14th, 2015. The granting dollars available for this granting cycle will be $21,000. With this year’s grants the organization will reach a milestone of giving over $100,000 back to the community. Over the past six years they have made grants to area agencies to enhance programs that provide valuable services to our local families. Again this year, Women Who Care will be reserving a portion of our grant dollars specifically for Arts and Recreation projects.

Pictured are children displaying their projects at the Wilcox Library after attending their weekly story hour. WWC 2014 granted dollars to support the Library’s weekly program. Other projects funded in 2014 were: Elk County Catholic School System’s Drop Shot Basket Ball Funnel; the Boys and Girls Club’s Homework Club; Community Nurses Inc.’s Auto Medication Dispensers; Dickinson Center’s Cross Roads Meal Program; LIFT for assisted Technology projects; a new color printer for Johnsonburg Public Library; and funds to support the Elk County Historical Society projects.

The purpose of the Women Who Care (WWC) organization is to strengthen the local communities by engaging and educating women in philanthropy and issues that are important to families. This year, the Women Who Care organiztion has 188 members and is growing steady. WWC will distribute dollars to various local charitable organizations through a grant application process. Eligible awards will be limited to nonprofit organizations with current 501 (c) (3) status, schools or municipalities who serve the residents of Elk County. Requests must not duplicate the work of other local organizations, and must reflect sustainability and/or other ongoing support. Award amounts will be given up to $6,000. Top grant applications will be presented to the full members at its annual meeting in the fall where the membership will vote on the projects.

Inquiries/questions and requests for applications can be directed to Paula Fritz Eddy of the Elk County Community Foundation at 814-834-2125 or by email at or by visiting their website at . The Women Who Care organization was established as a project of the Elk County Community Foundation.

Joseph A. Williams Medical Scholarship

Recently, the Joseph A. Williams Medical Scholarship for $4425 was awarded to Emily Detsch of St. Marys, by the Elk County Community Foundation. Emily is the daughter of Daniel and Lisa Detsch of St. Marys. She graduated from Penn State Behrend with a degree in Biology. Emily currently is enrolled at Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University.

In his estate plans Joseph A. Williams (1876-1979) was interested in the education of local students perusing a medical degree and established this scholarship. Mr. Williams was a very hard and dedicated worker who was employed by the Kaul and Hall lumber company for over 67 years. He later became president of various lumber and clay industries. Mr. Williams was president of Eastern Clay Products, which comprised all clay products industries east of the Mississippi River. As one of the founders of the Industrial Council of St. Marys, Joseph Williams was always interested in civic matters. He held leadership positions with the American Red Cross; United Fund; Andrew Kaul Memorial Hospital and the Historical Society of St. Marys and Benzinger Township.

The Elk County Community Foundation currently administers 74 scholarship funds. If you are interested in establishing a scholarship fund please contact the Elk County Community Foundation at 814-834-2125 or check out their website at

Pictured L to R

Emily Detsch and Jake Meyer, Board President of the Elk County Community Foundation.

Ole Bull Violin and Inez Bull Piano Scholarships

Ole Bull Violin and Inez Bull Piano Scholarships

Two new scholarships with the North Central Community Foundation of PA are the Ole Bull Violin and the Inez Bull Piano Scholarships that were established by the Spunky Norwegian Foundation. Two students who were selected to be awarded $2,250 each in the form of a scholarship. The 2015 recipients are, Brent Bartlett, the recipient of the Ole Bull Violin scholarship is a student at IUP and Shiqun Ou the recipient of the Inez Bull Scholarship attends PSU.

The student must have graduated from a high school in Potter, Tioga, Elk, McKean, Cameron or Clinton county and be majoring in music. The scholarship is administered by the Community Foundation who will distribute over $170,000 in 2015. These scholarships recognize high school seniors who have displayed outstanding qualities in academic achievement, leadership, and community service. In addition to this award the Community Foundation is involved with the Partnership for Access to Higher Educations (PATH) and will nominate all students who receive a scholarship from them to the PATH program. This program is administered through PHEAA which provides matching dollars to qualified candidates. Last year the Foundation had nearly $61,000 matched to 54 students in our area.

The Elk County Community Foundation Board extends their gratitude to The Spunky Norwegian Foundation who has seen a need and believes in the youth of today. Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125 or get more information from the website,

Michelle A. Campbell Memorial Nursing Scholarship

The Michelle A. Campbell Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund, administered by The Elk County Community Foundation, recently awarded $1,600 to Rhianon Fowler, a 2013 graduate of Johnsonburg Area High School. Rhianon is heading into her sophomore year at Clarion University and is proud to say she is part of the first to graduate from the new nursing degree program at Clarion. Rhianon has maintained excellent grades while also playing on the Clarion University Woman’s Soccer Team. Michelle Campbell, the number one student in her nursing class, was dedicated to helping other and learning to be the best nurse she could be. Pictured with Rhianon are Michelle’s parents, Joyce and Jim Campbell, who have established this scholarship in her memory. If you have questions about he Foundations or are interested in establishing a fund, please contact us at 814-834-2125 or check out our website at