St. Marys Little League Softball Receives Grant

ECCF softball grant Paulas web.jpg

In conjunction with the kickoff of their season this morning, the St. Marys Girls’ Softball Little League also recently received a $15,000 grant to provide much-needed repairs to the Benzinger Park softball fields where their games take place.
The league plans to use the funding to replace the backstops on each field. This decision was made due to concerns over the players’ safety.
Recently board members and players from the organization met with advisors of the Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund, who presented them with a check. The donor-advised fund is held and administered by the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF).
A girls’ softball league has been in place for many years; however, in 2010 the former St. Marys Pigtail Softball Association transitioned into a Little League organization. The change was prompted to allow its participants the opportunity to compete in both recreational and All-Star play.
According to organizers, the St. Marys Little League aspires to be an outstanding educational-athletic organization which provides a high-quality experience.
With this change, a new booster group was formed and its first priority was to develop short- and long-term plans for upgrading the fields and equipment.
There are a number of projects the league is currently seeking funds for, and the group approached administrators of the Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Fund to assist with one of those projects.
Applications for the Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund are accepted and reviewed quarterly. Those interested in submitting an application should contact the Elk County Community Foundation for specific deadline dates or check the website at

New Fund Established to Support Autism Center

ST. MARYS (February 21, 2011) Dickinson Center, Inc. recently established an endowment fund with the Elk County Community Foundation. The Autism Program for Children with Dickinson Center, Inc. Fund was established to provide for the program’s future financial security.

Currently 1 in 150 children is diagnosed with autism. While there is no known cure or one single effective treatment, autism is treatable. People with autism are capable of making significant progress through individualized interventions and therapy. With these services in place, many can and do lead meaningful and productive lives. Dickinson’s Possibilities Autism Center was established in 2010 to assure that families in our service region have ready access to diagnostic and treatment services to support their children living with autism. Possibilities has already gained significant prominence as a regional autism provider unparalleled in rural Pennsylvania. As a result, the center has received referrals from throughout Western and Central Pennsylvania.

Donations are a valuable resource to the Autism Center, and an investment in its program and services will guarantee its future success. Gifts to the Autism Program Fund, held at the Elk County Community Foundation, can be made in any number of ways:

  • Make a direct financial contribution in any amount.
    Make a planned gift, such as naming the Autism Program for Children with Dickinson Center, Inc. in your will.
    Make a donation to the fund, held at the Elk County Community Foundation in memory or in honor of someone. (An acknowledgement will be sent to a designated recipient)
    Name the Autism Program for Children with Dickinson Center, Inc., held at the Elk County Community Foundation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

All contributions to the Fund have the maximum tax deductibility. To learn about Possiblities Autism Center phone 814.772.2005 x 1. For more information about making contributions to the Autism Fund contact the Elk County Community Foundation at 814.834.2125.

The mission of the Elk County Community Foundation is to strengthen our region through development, stewardship and grant making as donors achieve their philanthropic goals. Its vision is to connect people who care with causes that matter.

Chamber awards Businesses of the Year

The St. Marys Area Chamber of Commerce recognized the 2010 Businesses of the Year during the organization’s 27th annual dinner held Saturday evening at the Red Fern.
Northwest Savings Bank and The Elk County Community Foundation took home top honors in the large and small business categories, respectively. Runners-up included Community Nurses, Inc. (large) and the Lynch-Radkowski Funeral Home (small).
Chamber of Commerce President Mark Jacob welcomed everyone to the event and provided an invocation and highlights from the organization’s various events and activities which took place during 2010.
Business winners were determined through a rigorous voting process in which members of the Chamber’s board of directors rated each nominee on a scale of 1-5 in nine separate categories. Nominations for Business of the Year candidates were accepted from any Chamber business member and were submitted by business owners, employees and patrons.
In presenting the awards, Jacob provided a brief overview of the winning businesses, as well as their accolades and achievements.
“This was a difficult task, as there were many nominees, all worthy of praise for their accomplishments and giving to the community,” Jacob said.
As the small Business of the Year winner, the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2010 and has granted over $1.2 million to the community throughout its existence. Currently, the organization manages 69 permanent charitable funds to improve the quality of life in local communities. Revenues from these funds provide grants and scholarships to non-profit organizations in accordance with donors’ wishes.
The ECCF office staff consists of two part-time employees and is overseen by a 14-member board of community leaders who volunteer their time and expertise to ensure the foundation’s mission is accomplished. As part of that mission, ECCF aims toward strengthening the region through development, stewardship and grant-making as donors achieve their philanthropic goals.
“We connect people who care with causes that matter,” stated Paula Fritz Eddy, ECCF executive director, in the nomination form. “Our real business is helping people, families, groups and businesses to be philanthropic or charitable.”
Also in 2010, ECCF was awarded the Pennsylvania Agency of Non-Profit Organization’s (PANO) Standards of Excellence, for which the foundation underwent a review from a jury of its peers who studied its programs, services, management, fundraising and financial practices, as well as various ethics and accountability factors. The ECCF is one of only 55 organizations in Pennsylvania to be certified under this program, which began in 2002.
Northwest Savings Bank received the large Business of the Year award at the dinner. In 2010, the bank was awarded the JD Powers Customer Satisfaction Award. Established in 1896, the bank currently employees 33 individuals in the St. Marys area. It is involved with a large variety of area organizations throughout the community, and to which the bank’s employees dedicate a significant amount of time as volunteers.
The Lynch-Radkowski Funeral Home, Inc. was the runner-up in the small Business of the Year category.
Community Nurses, Inc. was the runner-up in the large Business of the Year category.

Article by Amy Cherry, St. Marys Daily Press

New Fund Established to Support Catholic Education

The Elk County Community Foundation recently met with two family members of Harold C. Lenze to finalize the creation of a new Fund at the Foundation. The Harold C. and Marguerite M. Lenze Tuition Assistance Fund for the St. Marys Catholic Elementary and Middle Schools(SMCEMS) will provide tuition assistance for families in need regardless of income.

Both Harold and Marguerite “Midge” have been long time supporters of Catholic education in our community. Harold made provisions in his estate plans to provide funding for this purpose. They chose to come to the Elk County Community Foundation to ensure that funds will be available to the schools for tuition assistance for generations to come. Shortly after Harold passed away in June, the Foundation was notified of his gift.

“Harold was a planner with his head and a giver with his heart” said his wife, Midge. She went on to explain how he achieved balance in his giving, both with his head and his heart, to ensure his dollars were used wisely.

Mary Agnes Marshall and Mary Meyer, the supervising principal and advancement director of SMCEMS respectively, Paula Fritz Eddy, the Foundation’s executive director, and Harold’s niece Janet VanEerden joined Midge at the Village Peddler to celebrate this generous gift.

Mary Agnes commented on the donation, “Harold’s gift to the Foundation complements our endowed funds to help ensure there will always be Catholic education in St. Marys. More tuition assistance means more help for our families. Words cannot adequately express our schools’ appreciation for Harold’s contribution.” Mary also commented, “We have always been very grateful to Harold and Midge for their generosity to our schools over the years. For Harold to leave a final, significant gift through his estate is heartwarming.”

The mission of the Elk County Community Foundation is to strengthen our region through development, stewardship and grant making as donors achieve their philanthropic goals. Its vision is to connect people who care with causes that matter. The Foundation assists donors who have an interest in starting a fund to benefit nearly any charitable organization or cause that they have a vested interest in, whether as a named fund or in the memory of a deceased family member or friend. The Harold C. and Marguerite M. Lenze Tuition Assistance Fund for the St. Marys Catholic Elementary and Middle Schools is one of 69 different funds the Foundation manages. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Paula at the Foundation for more information either by calling 814-834-2125 or visiting its new website at
Pictured from L to R

Sitting Janet VanEerden, Midge Lenze and Paula Fritz Eddy

Standing are Mary Agnes Marshall and Mary Meyer

St. Marys Area EDC Receives Grant

The Elk County Community Foundation recently completed their Annual Granting Cycle from the Elk County Economic and Community Development Fund. The Foundation’s Board of Directors met, discussed, and approved grants to several local agencies to complete projects demonstrating worthwhile causes for our community. One of the grants given was to the St. Marys Economic Development Corporation (EDC) for their Revolving Loan Program. This grant was for $9000 will they will use as matching dollars for their Revolving Loan program. The Foundation has partnered with the St. Marys EDC for over 10 years funding their efforts to assist industry and businesses through low interest loan programs created to promote economic growth with in our community.

This year the St. Marys EDC celebrates 25 years of providing low interest loans to area businesses. Since its inception, in 1985 , the ECD has funded 69 projects worth over $44 million through thier revolving local program. Currently there are 17active loans funded with 2 more projects in process. The main source of funding for the ECD is the USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG). Over the years, the EDC has received 5 grants worth $444,000 from the RBEG. Matching funds are required for all of the monies from the USDA. Among the sources of matching funds, the St. Marys EDC received grantsd from the Elk County Community Foundation, the City of St. Marys, Local Economic Development Assistance program(LEDA), and Walmart.

Celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year, the Elk County Community Foundation has awarded nearly $160,000 so far this year. With these grants the Foundation has put nearly $1.2 million dollars back in to the Elk County Area, with more granting opportunities anticipated before years end.

Pictured are from Right to Left: From the St. Marys EDC are Gwen Auman, Board Vice President, Leo Ehrensberger Board Treasurer, Valery Weis Executive Director and from the Elk County Community Foundation, Paula Fritz Eddy, Executive Director.