Calling all Non Profit Agencies

Calling all Non Profit Agencies that serve the residents of Ridgway!

The Ridgway Borough Charitable Fund held at the Elk County Community Foundation

is now accepting Grant Requests.

The Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) announces they are now accepting grant applications from nonprofit organizations that serve the residents of Ridgway. The Borough of Ridgway Charitable Fund’s purpose is to provide financial support to those non-profit organizations whose application reflects a purpose or project that will benefit the residents of the Borough of Ridgway. ECCF welcomes all applications for funding as part of its mission to promote the betterment of the community and to enhance the quality of the life for all residents.

Funds will be award for such community development initiatives that will enhance the well-being of the Ridgway community. Distribution from the grants can be used to meet special project or program needs of organizations. The Foundation encourages organizations that will serve a particular need of the community and will make a lasting impact on the overall community to apply. The Foundation seeks to fund projects or activities that will serve the needs of many in the community rather than the needs of a few individuals. Projects should include activities that are innovative and have a plan to be self-sustaining. In addition, grants are made to support programs serving all persons regardless of race, religion or creed and are made only to charitable organizations.

Organizations that feel they meet the above criteria are invited to submit their application to the Foundation. Applications will be accepted through September 15, 2014 and are available via their website at Applications are now fillable and should be completed electronically and emailed back to the Foundation at If you have any question about the application process, feel free contact the Foundation office.

Grants will be reviewed and approved by the end of October. The endowed fund was a gift received from the estate of Sara-Jane Stackpole and is held at the ECCF. Grants approved in 2012 were awarded to the following organizations:

CAPSEA: Phone System $5,000

Dickinson Center Inc: Elkwood Arts Vending project $5,000

Guardian Angels Center 50 Back to School Packs $3,500

Elk County Humane Society Wellness program $3,000

Tricounty Trails to Rails Insurance and Maineniance $1,500

ECCF is a nonprofit organization that manages endowed funds established by donors for area nonprofit organizations. Donor gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For more information about opportunities at the Foundation please contact Paula Fritz Eddy at 814-834-2125.

Attached is a group picture of 2013 recipients and Fund Advisory Committee.

Joseph A. Williams Medical Scholarship Awarded

Recently, the Joseph A. Williams Medical Scholarship for $4400 was awarded to Eric Mastrogiacomo of St. Marys, by the Elk County Community Foundation and affiliate of the Community Foundation of North Central PA. Eric is the son of Mark and Judy Mastrogiacomo of St. Marys. He graduated from Allegheny College in 2012 with a degree in Biochemistry. Eric currently is enrolled at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in Philadelphia, PA.

Joseph A. Williams (1876-1979) graduated from Penfield High School, DuBois Business College, and Eastman School of Business Administration in Poughkeepsie, NY. Mr. Williams was a very hard and dedicated worker who was employed by the Kaul and Hall lumber company for over 67 years. He later became president of various lumber and clay industries. Joseph Williams was also president of Eastern Clay Products, which comprised all clay products industries east of the Mississippi River. Mr. Williams retired from industry when he was 93 years old. As one of the founders of the Industrial Council of St. Marys, Joseph Williams was always interested in civic matters. He held leadership positions with the American Red Cross; United Fund; Andrew Kaul Memorial Hospital and the Historical Society of St. Marys and Benzinger Township.

The Elk County Community Foundation and the Community Foundation of North Central PA, currently administers 70 scholarship funds. If you are interested in establishing a scholarship fund please contact the Community Foundation at 814-834-2125 or check out their website at

Pictured L to R

Eric Mastrogiacomo and Kris Kronenwetter Scholarship Manager

Highmark Company Presented a Check

Recently, Keystone Health Plan West a Highmark Company presented a check to the Elk County Community Foundation from their Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) approved donations. These dollars will be used to provide local school districts for approved innovative educational programs for the upcoming 2014 grants. Over $52,000 was distributed to area School Districts from the Elk County Community Foundation in 2013 through this program. As an approved EITC partner the Foundation receives donations from qualified businesses to provide innovative educational programing with in the public schools K-12 school. Paula Fritz Eddy, Executive Director of the Community Foundation accepted the check from Neil Parham, Community Affairs representative from Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield. For more information about the Community Foundation or EITC opportunities contact Paula at 814-834-2125

122 Scholarships Awarded by the ECCF

The Elk County Community Foundation awarded a total of 122 scholarships to local students this year totaling over $153,450 in scholarship funds. Graduating seniors from area high schools were the recipients. 22 scholarships went to Elk County Catholic, 24 to St. Marys Area, 28 to Johnsonburg Area, 27 to Ridgway Area, 7 to Kane Area High, and 5 went to Austin Area High School. Another 6 scholarships were given to students at DuBois and Brockway Area High Schools. Also, 3 additional scholarships were awarded to students who are already in attendance at a post-secondary institution. Ten new scholarship funds were established and awarded in 2014.

The dollars given to these students will impact generations to come as these young adults begin to shape our communities. Donors who have established these scholarships are contributing to our future leaders. The ElkCounty Community Foundation Board extends their gratitude to those who have seen the need and believe in the youth of today. Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125.

Scholarship winners’ names can be seen by going to the home page of this website. On the right there will be a link titled “2014 Scholarship Recipients”

SGL Carbon, LLC Support Local Students with Scholarships

Recently, Plant Manager, Tom Detsch, standing on the left and Human Resource Manager, Kathy Kennedy, on the right, from SGL Carbon met with students who were selected to be awarded $500 each in the form of a scholarship from SGL Carbon, LLC. The recipients were from left to right, Tim Mosebarger, Matt Jerko, Ben Herbstritt and Rudy Gleixner. Tim and Rudy recently graduated from St. Marys Area High School while Ben and Matt from Elk County Catholic High School. Mr. Detsch encouraged the students to work hard and congratulated them on being chosen for this award.

SGL Group – The Carbon Company – is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of carbon-based products. This is the fourth year they have supported local students with this scholarship. The scholarship is administered by the Elk County Community Foundation, an affiliate of the Community Foundation of North Central PA. These scholarships recognize high school seniors who have displayed outstanding qualities in academic achievement, leadership, and community service. In addition to this award the Community Foundation is involved with the Partnership for Access to Higher Educations (PATH) and will nominate all students who receive a scholarship from them to the PATH program. This program is administered through PHEAA which provides matching dollars to qualified candidates. Last year the Foundation had nearly $54,000 matched to 49 students in our area.

The Elk County Community Foundation Board extends their gratitude to SGL who has seen a need and believes in the youth of today. Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125 or get more information from the website,