Michelle A. Campbell Memorial Nursing Scholarship

The Michelle A. Campbell Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund, administered by The Elk County Community Foundation, recently awarded $1,650 to Haley DaCanal, a 2014 graduate of Elk County Catholic High School. She is the daughter of Mike and Mary DaCanal. Hayley is heading into her junior year at Carlow University. Hayley has maintained excellent grades while also being involved with Basketball and Volleyball Intermural, serving on the Carlow Activities Board and helping with a variety of other community service organization.

Michelle Campbell, the number one student in her nursing class, was dedicated to helping others and learning to be the best nurse she could be. Pictured with Haley are Michelle’s parents, Joyce and Jim Campbell, who have established this scholarship in her memory. If you have questions about the Foundation or are interested in establishing a fund, please contact us at 814-834-2125 or check out our website at www.elkcountyfoundation.com.

Ole Bull Violin and Inez Bull Piano Scholarships

The Ole Bull Violin and the Inez Bull Piano Scholarships that were established by the Spunky Norwegian Foundation were recently awarded. In the back left to right; Deanna Young, Lynne Nicklas, and Victor Pasi all board member of the Spunky Norwegian Foundation met with students who were selected to be awarded $2,250 each in the form of a scholarship. The recipients in the center are from left to right, Nicole Rose, the recipient of the Ole Bull Violin scholarship is a student at IUP and Brent Barlett received a special award for $1,000 is a student at IUP. Missing from the photo was the recipient of the Inez Bull Piano Scholarship Rosemary Wargo.

The student must have graduated from a high school in Potter, Tioga, Elk, McKean, Cameron or Clinton county and be majoring in music. The scholarship is administered by the Community Foundation who will distribute over $165,000 in 2016. These scholarships recognize high school seniors who have displayed outstanding qualities in academic achievement, leadership, and community service. In addition to this award the Community Foundation is involved with the Partnership for Access to Higher Educations (PATH) and will nominate all students who receive a scholarship from them to the PATH program. This program is administered through PHEAA which provides matching dollars to qualified candidates. Last year the Foundation had nearly $62,000 matched to 56 students in our area.

The Elk County Community Foundation Board extends their gratitude to The Spunky Norwegian Foundation who has seen a need and believes in the youth of today. Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125 or get more information from the website, www.elkcountyfoundation.com

SGL Carbon, LLC Support Local Students with Scholarships

Recently, Plant Manager, Tom Detsch, standing on the right and Human Resources Manager, Kathy Kennedy, on the left, from SGL Carbon met with students who were selected to be awarded $500 each in the form of a scholarship from SGL Carbon, LLC. The recipients were from left to right, Jordan Romain, Rachel Caretti and Josh Eckert. Jordan and Rachel recently graduated from St. Marys Area High School while Josh graduated from Elk County Catholic High School. Jordan will be attending Robert Morris, Rachel will attend IUP and Josh will attend PA College of Technology. Missing from the photo is Jacob Chileski the second recipient from ECCHS. Mr. Detsch encouraged the students to work hard and congratulated them on being chosen for this award.

SGL Group – The Carbon Company – is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of carbon-based products. SGL has supported local students with this scholarship for five years. The scholarship is administered by the Elk County Community Foundation who will distribute over $165,000 in 2016. These scholarships recognize high school seniors who have displayed outstanding qualities in academic achievement, leadership, and community service. In addition to this award the Community Foundation is involved with the Partnership for Access to Higher Educations (PATH) and will nominate all students who receive a scholarship from them to the PATH program. This program is administered through PHEAA which provides matching dollars to qualified candidates. Last year the Foundation over $62,000 matched to 56 students in our area.

The Elk County Community Foundation Board extends their gratitude to SGL who has seen a need and believes in the youth of today. Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125 or get more information from the website, www.elkcountyfoundation.com

Griener/Roof Scholarship Awared

Katherine Porter, left, recently received the Greiner/Roof Memorial Law Scholarship for 2016 from Jake Meyer, on right who is the President of the Elk County Community Foundation. Katherine attends Ohio Northern University and will be graduating in 2017. This scholarship is awarded to an applicant who has been accepted to or is in attendance of an accredited law school. The candidate must maintain their primary residence in Elk or Cameron County or be a graduate of one of the five high schools located in the two counties. A proposed recipient’s academic standing and achievement, participation in extracurricular activities and general life experience will be considered. The Greiner/Roof Memorial Law Scholarship was created in memory of the Honorable Paul B. Greiner and the Honorable Vernon D. Roof, past President Judges of the 59th Judicial District of Pennsylvania. Judge Greiner served as President Judge from 1964 until 1986, after which he served as a senior judge until his death at age 83 in 1999. Judge Roof’s tenure on the bench was much shorter, as he served as President Judge from 1996 until 2002, when he died at age 51. Both Judge Greiner and Judge Roof were respected and renowned as fair and impartial jurists not only in Elk and Cameron Counties, but throughout the Commonwealth.

Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125 or get more information from the website, www.elkcountyfoundation.com.

Long Time Board Member Recognized!

Charlie Constable, in the center, was recently presented a plaque by representative from the Elk County Community Foundation for his dedicated service. He had been on the Board of Directors and served in many leadership roles for over 15 years. Charlie also played an active role on the advisory committee as they explored the initial founding of Community Foundation. Charlie decided to step down from his position on the board so that a new representative of the Johnsonburg Area could replace him. Charlie assured the group that he will continue to support the Foundation and serve if needed. Judy Allegretto, left, will be taking Charlie’s seat on the board as a Johnsonburg representative. Judy is the Guidance Counselor at Johnsonburg Area High School and currently works with the Foundation to administers scholarships to local students. Also, the Caribardi Scholarship Fund was established at the time of Judy’s mothers passing and she has been an enthusiast of the Foundation for many years. Barb Duffy, on the right, a six-year board member also representing Johnsonburg, was on hand to thank Charlie for his guidance and service.