Paying It Forward: former student establishes scholarship to honor Coach Mastrogiacomo

Photo: The Coach Ted Mastrogiacomo Memorial Scholarship Fund, a newly established fund at the Elk County Community Foundation, awarded its first scholarship this year. Tiffany Boschert, ECCF Executive Director, presented the scholarship to SMAHS student Dean Rakieski.

Paying It Forward: former student establishes scholarship to honor Coach Mastrogiacomo

St. Marys: The Coach Ted Mastrogiacomo Memorial Scholarship Fund was recently created at the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) by a former student of Coach Mastrogiacomo, a well-loved principal and coach at St. Marys Area High School in the 1960’s.

Dr. John Lyons, who established the scholarship fund, said Coach Mastrogiacomo saved his life and many other students. Coach was a mentor and role model to John, challenging him to be the best he could be as he moved through his high school years. John said he would never have become a successful doctor of radiology without the Coach’s support. The influence of a teacher or coach goes beyond teaching the skills of a particular sport or class and extends to personal development and life skills. They are often a trusted source of advice for important life decisions.

Coach Mastrogiacomo was a high school and college football player, a WW II veteran, and a father to five. At SMAHS he was a history teacher, founder of the track and field team, and head football coach, in addition to his career as principal and mentor to hundreds of students. This scholarship is for a SMAHS senior who just needs a hand up and some encouragement to continue their education to follow their career path to success. The student can be pursuing an education of any kind, including any 2-year or 4-year degree, certificate, or licensed program.

The Coach Ted Mastrogiacomo Memorial Scholarship Fund is accepting donations of any size to help increase its impact on today’s students. Donations can be made online at or by contacting the Foundation.

The Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies is the parent company of the Elk County Community Foundation and the McKean County Community Foundation. Funds established by charitable donors support our communities through the awarding of grants and scholarships. For more information, please contact the Community Foundation at 814-834-2125.