New fund to honor memory of Fr. Eric Vogt

Fr. Eric Vogt Fund to Support Youth Programs and Organizations
The Elk County Community Foundation, (ECCF) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Fr. Eric Vogt Memorial Fund. This fund aims to honor the enduring legacy of the late Fr. Eric Vogt, a beloved figure in the St. Marys community, by providing support for youth programs and sports that he was well-known for, along with the impact he made on the students he coached and mentored. The Vogt family and friends established this fund to keep his name alive in the community he loved so much and called home.
Fr. Eric Vogt was an esteemed individual who dedicated his life to serving others. Often known by his friends as “Padre”, he touched countless lives and left an indelible impact on the community. The establishment of this endowment fund will perpetuate his spirit of service and continue to uplift the youth in the region. He exhibited his devotion not only as a priest, but also as a coach, umpire, referee, and friend. As his nephew, Mark Bolitiski said in his eulogy for his “Uncle Tommy”, “He put passion in every single thing he did, whether it be his family; the Steelers; coaching all of his players and cheering on all of his nieces and nephews; the Beatles; golf; or church. He put his heart and soul into it, which is what made him such a loved person by all. To me, what made him the most special was how much he cherished the little ones. There was never a bigger smile on his face than when he was holding a newly baptized baby.”
Because of his love for children, this fund will allocate resources to youth programs that foster education, mentorship, and personal development. It will also provide financial assistance to local youth sports organizations, enabling young athletes to pursue their passions and build character.
Individuals, businesses, and organizations are invited to contribute to the Fr. Eric Vogt Memorial Fund to honor his memory by supporting the youth in our area. Donations to the fund can be made directly to the ECCF, online at clicking on the Donate Now button, or by sending it to ECCF at P.O. Box 934, St. Marys, PA 15857. Please specify the Fr. Eric Vogt Fund as the designated recipient.
The Elk County Community Foundation, entrusted with administering the fund, is well-regarded for its commitment to promoting philanthropy and addressing community needs. By partnering with the foundation, the Fr. Eric Vogt Memorial Fund ensures the prudent management and responsible distribution of funds to the designated beneficiaries.
For more information about the Fr. Eric Vogt Memorial Fund or to make a donation, please contact 814-834-2125. The Elk County Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Elk County, PA. By fostering philanthropy and connecting donors with community needs, the foundation strives to make a lasting impact on education, the arts, healthcare, social services, and more.