Keystone Consortia, cutline

The Board of Directors of the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) is pleased to announce that Fox Township Dental Center, a facility of the Keystone Rural Health Consortia, Inc. was awarded grant for $1550 from the Elk County Community Development Fund funds to transport a panoramic x-ray machine from the Cameron County Dental Center to the Fox Township Dental Center. The purpose of having this x-ray machine is for our dentist to provide better diagnostic care to our patients. Continuity and quality of care is always what we are aiming for. This machine will allow the dentist to better diagnose of many oral, head and neck issues. Better quality dental care can then be provided to the patient or referred to the appropriate specialist.
The Elk County Community Foundation is a non-profit organization that strives to strengthen our region through development, stewardship and grant making as it works with donors to achieve their philanthropic goals. For more information contact ECCF at 834-2125, by email at, or visit their website at
Pictured left to right: From the Fox Township Clinic, Dr. Maurice Hamaoui DDS, Paula Fritz Eddy and Fritz Lecker from the Community Foundation and Ashley Simbeck EFDA from the clinic.