Elk County Catholic awarded $74,585 from Community Foundation Funds
The Elk County Community Foundation, (ECCF) was pleased to award a total of $74,585 in grants to the Elk County Catholic School System (ECCSS). The grants are awarded annually to the school system through distributions from four individual funds that were established to benefit the school. The fund donors have entrusted the Elk County Community Foundation with administering these funds as they carry out the charitable wishes of each of the donors.
The Elk County School System Fund is an Agency Endowment Fund. The school was one of the original supporters of the Foundation when they created this fund many years ago. These funds are established by nonprofit organizations to provide perpetual income in support of future operations. A percentage of the fund is available each year to the agency. The fund distributed $600 this year to ECCSS.
The remaining three funds are Designated Funds. These funds are established by donors who wish to support the good work of one or more designated organizations. Almost any 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, municipality, or faith-based organization can be designated to receive support for its mission. The annual distribution of the fund dollars is managed by the Elk County Community Foundation.
The Edna Geitner Bennett Memorial Scholarship Fund awarded $1,475 to the school. This scholarship fund awards at least $1,000 annually to a student. The fund makes an annual distribution that is split between the scholarship and the general needs of the Elk County Catholic School System.
The Harold C. and Marguerite M. Lenze Tuition Assistance Fund for the St. Marys Catholic Elementary and Middle Schools awarded $42,019. This designated fund was left to ECCF in the estate plans of Harold and Midge Lenze. The fund makes an annual distribution to SMCEMS to be used for tuition assistance for families in need regardless of income.
The R. Thomas and Mary Rita Valentine Charitable Fund for the Elk County Catholic School System is a designated fund left to ECCF in the estate of Tom and Mary Rita Valentine. It distributed $30,491 to ECCSS this year. The fund makes an annual 2.5% distribution to be used for tuition assistance for families and to support the operation of the school system.
The Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies (CFNA) is the parent company of the Elk County Community Foundation and the McKean County Community Foundation. CFNA is a non-profit organization that strives to strengthen our region through development, stewardship and grant making as it works with donors to achieve their philanthropic goals. Donors can learn more about establishing a fund by contacting the Foundation at 1-814-834-2125, or visiting the ECCF website at www.elkcountyfoundation.org.

The Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) presented a check for $74,585 to the Elk County Catholic School System as an annual distribution from four individual funds administered by the Foundation. Sam MacDonald, President of ECCSS, Franki Herzing, Director of Advancement, Paula Fritz Eddy, ECCF Executive Director, and Tom Wagner, President of ECCF Board of Directors.