Elk Co Humane Society creates agency fund at ECCF

Photo: Bob Ordiway, Jeff Marzella, and Tom Wagner, Elk County Community Foundation Board Officers accept a check for $5,000 from Elk County Humane Society representatives Marge Wegemer and Elizabeth Erich. The check represents an initial investment to establish an Agency Endowment Fund in the name of the Elk County Humane Society at the Community Foundation.
Elk County Humane Society creates agency fund at Community Foundation
St. Marys: The Elk County Humane Society recently established its own fund at the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF). The Elk County Humane Society Agency Endowment Fund will serve to protect their charitable dollars for the future of their work and mission. A portion of the fund is made available to them annually while the remaining assets are retained in the fund to provide for growth over time.
Through this type of fund, the Humane Society will build endowment guaranteed to receive prudent stewardship, while providing a lasting source of income. Nonprofit agencies that build an endowment fund with the ECCF benefit from reduced overhead and administrative costs, with the Foundation managing all gift processing, record keeping, tax reporting, administrative services, and audits, along with professional investment management.
This endowment fund is open-ended so once it was established other donors may contribute to the fund. An agency endowment is a perfect vehicle to accept charitable bequests and donations from area residents. Donations to help build this fund can be made to the Elk County Humane Society Agency Endowment Fund in care of the Elk County Community Foundation. A check can be mailed to ECCF, or a donation can be made online at www.elkcountyfoundation.org by clicking on the Donate Now button.
The Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies is the parent company of the Elk County Community Foundation and the McKean County Community Foundation. Our affiliate Foundations are making an impact in the Northern Alleghenies by providing the administrative and investment management services that make it easy for donors to establish funds that accomplish their charitable wishes. For more information contact the Foundation at 1- 844-238-2289.