ECCF open grant applications are due January 15

The Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) is accepting grant applications through January 15, 2021 from 501c3 organizations who wish to apply for funding from The Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund, the Elk County Society for Special Services Fund, or the Elk County Development Fund and Fund of the Future.
The Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund is an open grant that supports worthy projects that provide services for the residents of our communities. Their goal is to ensure that the Fund continues the good works that both Mr. & Mrs. Stackpole had done in our community during their lifetime and to support the philanthropic causes that were important to both of them.
The Elk County Society for Special Services fund is designated for any nonprofit agency which provides services for the purposes of providing Pre-K education. The application should improve programs that are already established or develop new programs. This fund will not cover direct operating expenses of an agency, rather it hopes to enhance already established programs.
The Elk County Development Fund and Fund of the Future generally look to support community development initiatives that will enhance the economic and community wellbeing of Elk County. Projects should include activities that are innovative and have a plan to sustain themselves.
For instructions on how to apply for a grant go to our website at Please call our office at 834-2125 with any questions. ECCF is a non-profit organization that strives to strengthen our region through development, stewardship and grant making as it works with donors to achieve their philanthropic goals.