Community Foundations celebrate $1.5 million milestone in grants awarded in single year

The Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies (CFNA) announced they have reached a new milestone of over $1.5 million in grants awarded to area non-profit organizations in one granting year. CFNA is the parent company of the Elk County Community Foundation and the McKean County Community Foundation.
Because Elk and McKean donors continue to meet community needs with unparalleled generosity, grant awards in 2022 have helped fund $1.5 million in community improvements, educational and social programs, student scholarships for continuing education, and so much more. Those who live in, or have ever been to Elk and McKean Counties, know that it is a beautiful place to live, work, and raise a family. The Community Foundation works to keep it that way by providing donors with a simple but powerful and highly personal approach to achieving their charitable goals while enhancing the quality of life for the people of our region. Donors who establish their own funds, and those who donate towards growing Foundation granting dollars, are all a part of building a better future for everyone in our area.
During the 1990’s a group of business and civic leaders began to explore establishing a Community Foundation in the Elk County Area. As a result, the Elk County Community Foundation incorporated in 2000, and a year later became a non-profit organization. In 2017, the McKean County Community Foundation was established. The two Foundations are both affiliates of the Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies. To date, they have distributed over $6 million in grants, and more than $2.5 million in scholarships throughout our communities. The Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies, is a non-profit organization that strives to strengthen our region through development, stewardship and grant making as it works with donors to achieve their philanthropic goals. Donors interested in learning more about establishing a fund can contact the Foundation at 1-844-238-228.