Ridgway Charitable Fund is now accepting Grant Requests.

The Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) announces they are now accepting grant applications from non profit organizations that serve the residents of Ridgway.  The Borough of Ridgway Charitable Fund’s purpose is to provide financial support to those non-profit organizations whose application reflects a purpose or project that will benefit the residents of the Borough of Ridgway.  ECCF welcomes all applications for funding as part of its mission to promote the betterment of the community and to enhance the quality of the life for all residents.

Funds will be award for such community development initiatives that will enhance the well being of the Ridgway community.  Distribution from the grants can be used to meet special project or program needs of organizations.  The Foundation encourages organizations that will serve a particular need of the community and will make a lasting impact on the overall community to apply.  The Foundation seeks to fund projects or activities that will serve the needs of many in the community rather than the needs of a few individuals.  Projects should include activities that are innovative and have a plan to be self sustaining.   In addition, grants are made to support programs serving all persons regardless of race, religion or creed and are made only to charitable organizations.

Organizations that feel they meet the above criteria are invited to submit their application to the foundation. Applications have been revised to make it easier for organizations to apply. New applications will be accepted through September 17, 2009 and are available by calling the ECCF’s office at 834-2125 or via their website at www.elkcountyfoundation.com.

Grants will be reviewed and approved by the end of October.  The endowed fund was a gift received from the estate of Sara-Jane Stackpole and is held at the ECCF.   Grants approved in 2009 were awarded to the following organizations:

  • Dickinson Mental Health
  • WRC
  • Elk County Concert Choir
  • Guardian Angel Center
  • Salvation Army
  • Ridgway Boy Scout Troops

ECCF is a non profit organization that manages endowed funds established by donors for area non profit organizations.  Donor gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For more information about opportunities at the Foundation please contact Paula Fritz Eddy at 814-834-2125.

Sashy and Gladys Kane Perpetual Scholarship Awarded

Each year, two students from Kane Area High School are awarded the Sashy and Gladys Kane Perpetual Scholarship, through the Elk County Community Foundation. These students must play an active role in their school and community in order to be selected for the scholarship. This year DeForest Long and Emelie Kerek were awarded the scholarship.

DeForest Long is the son of Kathy Long of Kane, Chuck and Lt. Col. Jill Long of Germany. While he was in high school DeForest was involved in marching band, concert band, drumline, the school newspaper, his church drama group, and the Handbell Choir. He has also participated in the 30 hour famine, Vacation Bible School, the Roadside Litter Pickup and the Loren B. Wright Festival of Bands. DeForest is currently employed at Allegheny Ice Company. This fall he is headed to Edinboro University of Pennsylvania to major in Cinematography with a minor in Advertising. While at Edinboro DeForest hopes to be a part of the Bagpipe Band.

Emelie Kerek, the daughter of Thomas and Linda Kerek, of Kane Area High School graduated valedictorian for the class of 2010. While in high school Emelie was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in History, Mathematics, and English, and was a member of the National Honor Society and Enrichment program. She was also consistently on the merit honor roll. Ms. Kerek was on the staff of her school newspaper, a peer mediator, and a tutor. Emelie also volunteered for the Allegheny Friends of the NRA and the Kane Winter Carnival. This fall Emelie will be attending Edinboro University of Pennsylvania to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts in Applied Media Arts. Upon her college graduation, Emelie plans to work as an animator in Video Game Development or Cinematic Animation.

The Sashy and Gladys Kane Permanent Memorial Scholarship Fund provides two scholarships to Kane Area High School seniors who are pursuing a baccalaureate degree at an accredited institution of higher learning. Sashy Kane was the eldest grandchild of General Thomas L. Kane, the town’s founder. He was a veteran of both World Wars, twice receiving the bronze star and retiring with the rank of the Colonel. He received a Ph.D. from Harvard University, was a professor at the University of North Carolina and was head of the Language Department at the University of Tennessee. Gladys was a registered nurse and the head nurse at the Kane Hospital. Together with her husband Sashy, they established and operated the Kane Manor until moving to Florida in 1954. Tom, son of Sash and Gladys along with his wife Dottie established this scholarship in memory of his parents and their family roots in Kane, PA

The Elk County Community Foundation serves Elk and surrounding counties connecting people who care with causes that matter. The Foundation manages permanent charitable funds to improve the quality of life in our communities. Revenues from these funds provide grants to nonprofit organizations and scholarships to students in the area, just as the donor intends. If anyone is interested in learning how to establish a scholarship or donating to an existing scholarship, they can contact Paula Fritz Eddy at the Elk County Community Foundation office at 814-834-2125.

ECCF is Awarded the PANO Seal of Excellence

By Amy Cherry
Staff Writer for The Daily Press

2010 has proven to be a benchmark year for the Elk County Community Foundation. In addition to celebrating their 10th anniversary and $1 million awarded in grants, the Foundation has been awarded the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) Seal of Excellence for successfully completing the Standards of Excellence certification program.

“I really think we’ve made an impact in the community,” said Paula Fritz-Eddy, Elk County Community Foundation executive director. “We’re becoming more recognizable. The board has done a superb job.”

On Friday afternoon, State Representative Matt Gabler (R-Elk/Clearfield) was on hand to present the foundation a framed certificate of achievement issued by PANO.

The Foundation voluntarily opened itself up to scrutiny by a jury of its peers who examined the ECCF for compliance with PANO’s standards.

Robert Martini Scholarship Awarded

Recently the Elk County Community Foundation awarded the Robert Martini Scholarship to 6 seniors from Brockway Area and Dubois Area High Schools. From Brockway Area are Michelle Mancuso, Ian Grecco, and Justin Salada, while those from Dubois Area are Brittany Bly, Erika Syktich, and Renee Pentz. This scholarship is awarded to seniors in those two high schools who play an active role in their school and community.

Michelle Mancuso is the daughter of Jody and Michael Mancuso. While at Brockway Area High School she was Senior Class President, Rotary Interact Club President, Varsity Club President, National Honor Society Treasurer, and Ski Club Treasurer. She was also a member of student council, Academically Inclined Minds Gifted Program, Who’s Who, A+ Team, Drama Club, Varsity B Show, and Medical Explorers. Michelle was involved in various academic competition teams, peer tutoring and a graduate of the Dale Carnegie Course. On top of her academic and leadership roles she was also very active in her school’s sports programs. Michelle was recently named Female Athlete of the Year at the Brockway All Sports Banquet, was two-year Captain of the basketball team, the Most Valuable Player, and named to the Kozel District Nine Basketball All-Stars, Alleghany Mountain League (AML) Basketball All-Stars, and Courier Express/Tri-County Sunday Basketball All-Star Team. In Girl’s soccer, Michelle was two-year Captain, twice named Most Valuable Player, and was named to the Upper Alleghany Valley Soccer League All-Stars. Finally, in softball she was Captain as well as named to the AML Softball All-Star team and the Courier Express/Tri-County Softball All-Star team. She also earned three varsity letters in golf and lettered in Cross Country. Michelle has been named the Old Fashioned 4th of July Queen for this year and is currently employed at Phoenix Sintered and Sheetz of Brockway. This fall Michelle plans to attend the University of Pittsburgh and major in pre-medicine.

Ian Grecco is the son of Kevin and Lisa Grecco. While at Brockway Area High School, Ian was the Vice President of the National Honor Society, Treasurer of the Anti Bullying Committee, as well as a member of Aims, the Library Club, Interact, Atacs, Varsity Club, Prom Committee, Wrestling and Baseball Teams, and participated in Blood Drives and the Math Competition. Ian is also a Dale Carnegie graduate and a member of St. Tobias Catholic Church. As a member of the Wrestling team he was named to the first team District 9 wrestling conference in 2010; with 102 wins he was named the 6th member of the century club of Brockway, a Two-Time Pennsylvania Wrestling Coaches Association, and First Team All Academic Wrestling Team. In 2010 he was 2nd in the district and 4th at regionals. Ian was also a three-time Big Dog Tournament Finalist and the 2009 Champion. He earned 4 varsity letters in wrestling along with being the 2009-2010 captain. Ian was also a stand-out athlete in baseball. He was a two-time First Team Northern Allegheny Baseball All Star Second Basemen. Ian had 4 varsity letters in baseball and was the 2010 captain. He will be attending Mercyhurst University, Erie PA, in the fall majoring in Intelligence Studies.

Justin Salada, son of Gary and Kimberly Salada, is a member of the 2010 class from Brockway Area High School. While at BAHS, Justin was a 4 year member of the Marching Band, 4 year member of the Senior High Concert Band, a 3 year member of the Senior High Chorus, and a 4 year member of the Jazz Band. He was also in the Drama Club, National Honor Society, International Thespian Society, and was the 10th grade class Treasurer. Justin participated in PMEA District, Regional, and State Band Festivals in grades 10-12, and IU9 Honors band in grades 9-12. He was a part of the SAT 1200 Club, SAT Math 650 Club, A+ Team, a Dale Carnegie Graduate. Justin also received numerous honors for being an outstanding member of the band. He was 1st Chair PMEA District 3 Band in 2008 and 2010, 1st Chair PMEA Region 2 Band in 2009, 1st Chair IU6 Honors band in 2008 and 2009, and 5th Chair PMEA All State Concert Band in 2009. Justin participated in the 2009 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with the Macy’s Great American Marching Band. While in high school Justin also served as a Brockway Volunteer Jr. Fireman and volunteered at the St. Tobias Catholic Church. He is currently employed at Sears and Movie Time. This Fall Justin will be attending Clarion University to earn a Bachelors of Music degree in Music Education and hopes to go on to receive his masters and doctorate in Music Education as well.

Brittany Bly is the daughter of Beth and Chuck Bly of Treasure Lake. While at Dubois Area High School Brittany was involved on the Track and Field and Cross Country teams. She was also a member of the Student Council, where she held the title of Treasurer, Student Ambassadors, National Honor Society, and Physics Club, where she was also the Treasurer. Brittany is currently employed by the Towne Market in Treasure Lake. This Fall Brittany will be attending Misericordia University and will be majoring in Occupational Therapy.

Renee Pentz is the daughter of Mark and Joanne Pentz of Rockton. Renee attended Dubois Area High School and while there she was a member of the National Honor Society and student council. She was also a member and captain of the High School Varsity Rifle Team. Ms. Pentz was also a member of the Pennsylvania Governor’s Youth Council. Renee graduated Summa Cum Laude Honors from Dubois Area. This fall Renee will be studying in the accelerated Physician Assistant Program at Gannon University in Erie, PA.

Erika Syktich is the daughter of Paul and Jackie Syktich of Dubois. During her 4 years at Dubois Area High School Erika was a member of the Girl’s Tennis Team, Softball Team, and the Diving Team; she held Captains Positions on both the Tennis Team and the Diving Team. She was a peer mediator, where she served as treasurer her Sophomore Year and President her Junior and Senior Years. Erika was also a member of the Ski Club, National Honor Society, Big Brothers/ Big Sisters, Student Ambassadors, and volunteered at the Children’s Miracle Network. Erika was a Dual Enrollment Student with Dubois Business College, where she was also employed as an Administrative Office Worker. She was also employed at Black Tai Restaurant and was a child care worker. This fall Erika will be attending Robert Morris University and will study Broadcast Journalism.

Donor Advisors for a Day

By Amy Cherry
Staff Writer for The Daily Press

Three area residents recently had the opportunity to act as “Donor Advisors for a Day” by delegating funding to the organization of their choice through a program sponsored by the Elk County Community Foundation.

The event was designed to give community members in attendance at the Foundation’s 10th Anniversary Celebration, held on March 24 at the Central Hose Company along North Broad Street in Ridgway, a chance to “advise” the organization on three $500 grants to a non-profit agency of their choice.

The funding for the grants was taken from the Foundation’s Fund for the Future.

Among the chosen donor advisors were Michael Buchheit of Ridgway, Bob Roberts and Mary Agnes Marshall, of St. Marys.

Buchheit chose to split his grant up to two different organizations. Mary Beth Kucenski accepted a $250 donation for the American Red Cross of Elk and Cameron counties, while Mary Lynn Bellotti accepted a $250 for the YMCA, located in Ridgway.

Buchheit explained that he chose the Red Cross because they assisted his family when his father passed away in locating his sons, Major Frank Buchheit and Capt. Nick Buchheit, who were deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Red Cross helped in bringing the soldiers home for their grandfather’s funeral and burial services.

“I chose the YMCA because it does a lot for the people in the town and I enjoy going there when I can,” Buchheit said.

According to Kucenski the Red Cross grant will be utilized for its general operating funds, specifically to provide services such as military services, disasters response and to maintain their community education programs.

“When we received the donation we were totally ecstatic, because we’re putting it into our summer camp program, Bellotti said regarding the YMCA’s grant. “I like to give this back to the community, to the kids, as it was given to us by the community because the youth is our future.”

According to Bellotti the daycamp program runs anywhere from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Children participate in a variety of activities, crafts, swimming and field trips. Last year field trips were local due to lack of funding for transportation. This year there are 12-18 children, ages 6-12, enrolled in daycamp which runs Mondays through Friday for 11 weeks.

Roberts chose the St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery as his beneficiary, as he is the president of the cemetery board.

“Our needs are greater than they have been in the past and we need the money,” Roberts said.

He noted the money will be utilized for maintenance and keeping the cemetery looking nice. Dick Friedl, cemetery board treasurer, accepted the $500 donation.

Mary Agnes Marshall, principal of St. Marys Catholic Middle School, was drawn as the final donor. She presented the $500 donation to Betsy Roberts, representing the St. Marys Christian Food Bank.

Betsy noted the grant will be put to good use at the food bank as more and more people are signing up for the food program.

Donors and representatives from the chosen organizations recently gathered at the Foundation to conduct an official check presentation