Foundation Administers Dick Fava Memorial Scholarship

High School Graduations are just around the corner and for the Elk County Community Foundation, (ECCF) that means scholarships will soon be awarded to area students. Organizer of the Dick Fava Memorial Scholarship decided to seek the help of the Foundation when searching for applicants for their award.

Dick Fava Memorial Scholarship sponsored by RVFD & Friends will be one of the ECCF’s 37 different scholarship funds that they administer. The Foundations will distribute nearly $74,500 in scholarship grants to area students in 2011. Each scholarship is unique to the field of study, eligibility and community it serves. This year the Foundation has the honor to administer a scholarship that has been helping Ridgway students for over 30 years, and has just recently come the Elk County Community Foundation. The Dick Fava Memorial Scholarship will provide a $500 to a student who reside in the Ridgway Area School District, attending either RAHS or ECCHS and who are active in their school and community.

This scholarship has been awarded since Dick Fava unexpected passing in the late 80’s. Dick was a very active member of the Ridgway Volunteer Fire Department. He was a fire fighter as well as a member of the Rescue Squad helping people in need when ever called upon. Dick had a strong desire to see that his children and all kids had the opportunity to go to college and have successful life. For that reason, when Dick unexpectedly passed away at 42, his family, friends and fellow fire fighters decided to set up this scholarship in his memory, to fulfill his wishes. His wife Sue and son Joe live in Ridgway and his daughter Lori and family live in Kersey. Dick helped many people in many ways and that is what his family and friends want to do. They are proud to be able to offer this scholarship in Dick Fava’s memory.

The Ridgway Volunteer Fire Department and friends have administered the scholarship over the years but thought that since that is what the Community Foundation does, they should take advantage of their expertise. In honor and memorial donations can be accepted into this fund to help the scholarship grant grow. Simply send a check to the Elk County Community Foundation/Dick Fava Fund at P.O. Box 934, St. Marys, PA 15857

In addition to the dollars this student will receive from the Dick Fava Memorial Scholarship fund, he/she may receive matching dollars from PHEAA through the PATH (Partners for Access To Higher Education) program. As one of only 35 approved organizations that are PATH partners, the Elk County Community Foundation will submit each student who receives one of the scholarships that they administer to PHEAA for additional matching funding. To be eligible, the student must be enrolled in an approved Pennsylvania College or career school and be PHEAA approved. Last year, students that received ECCF scholarships received over $29,000 in additional grants. This is one of the reasons that many donors come to the Foundation to establish their scholarships. This program can potentially double their scholarship award through the PATH program.

The Community Foundation also assists donors who have an interest in starting a scholarship fund, whether as a general purpose or in the memory of a deceased family member or friend. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the foundation for further information on the matter or check out their website at .

32 South St Marys Street, Suite 4, P.O. Box 934 – Saint Marys, PA 15857 – Phone: 814-834-2125 – Fax: 814-834-2126 – Email:

Women Who Care Awards Inaugural Grants


Amy Cherry

WWC members present representatives from area organizations with checks for their community-based projects. Shown, left to right, are: Paula Fritz Eddy, ECCF executive director, presenting a check to CAPSEA Executive Director Billie Jo Weyant; WWC steering committee member Doris Stackpole presenting a check to Sam McDonald of ERHC; and Capt. Scott Harvey of the Salvation Army receiving a check from Carole Harshbarger, WWC steering committee member.

The Women Who Care (WWC) organization, a project of the Elk County Community Foundation, awarded inaugural grants during the organization’s recent Annual Membership event. Formed by a group of nine women in February 2009, WWC began as a philanthropic membership giving circle that provides a vehicle for nonprofit organizations to apply for funds in order to strengthen the quality of life for families in local communities. The organization pools its funds, which supply the initial investment for projects in Elk County.

As part of the event, the organization’s 96 members had an opportunity to vote for the project they felt was most important to the community. Voting was conducted following the dinner portion of the event. Members not attending the event cast an absentee ballot. The four applicants whose projects were eligible for grants were Citizens Against Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse, Inc. (CAPSEA); Elk Regional Health Center (ERHC); Girl Scouts of Western PA; and the Salvation Army.

After the votes were tallied, CAPSEA and the Salvation Army were awarded their full request, while ERHC was awarded a partial grant. A total of $12,000 was distributed in all. At the beginning of the event, representatives from each organization provided a brief presentation about their organization’s project.
CAPSEA was awarded $6,000 to replace worn and outdated carpeting in their shelter and offices with new “eco-friendly” carpeting to benefit victims and children who receive services. The total cost of their project is $7,000.
Billie Jo Weyant, CAPSEA’s executive director, said the organization is “in desperate need” of new carpeting.

ERHC was awarded $3,000 for a new stereotactic breast biopsy table costing $94,500. This new equipment will replace the current biopsy process, which involves renting a mobile unit that visits ERHC’s St. Marys campus three days a month. “We are glad to have a full-time dedicated unit here,” said Sam McDonald, ERHC business and fund development manager. McDonald added the new table will allow for patients to undergo a continuum of care as part of the digital mammography program, which he said began in July. The table will be used to provide biopsies of breast lumps.

The Salvation Army was awarded $3,000 for its 2011 King’s Table community meal program, which serves approximately 2,900 people each year. This program offers a safety-net service to those unable to make ends meet at the end of each month and is the only one of its kind in the area. In 2010, the organization expects to spend $5,500 for the direct cost of the program.
Captain Scott Harvey of the Salvation Army, based in Ridgway, said the program has been offered in the area since May 2007. There is no requirement necessary for visitors to obtain a meal. He said a majority of the patrons are from Ridgway, with some from Johnsonburg and a few from St. Marys. Meals are served at 5 p.m. the last five weekdays of the month for 10 months. There are between 60-80 people who attend each night.

The Girl Scouts project was not funded. They requested $6,000 to support the “Challenge and Change: Challenge Yourself, Change the World” program, a national teen leadership program developed for Girl Scouts of the USA to help girls develop confidence and leadership skills without the competition of boys. The program helps girls learn how to become positive change-makers while they envision and start long-term community service projects. The total cost of the proposed project is $9,000.

The WWC Grants Committee recommended the four charitable organizations for this year’s grant award after reviewing all grant applications. “The event was well-attended. We were pleased with the turnout,” said Paula Fritz Eddy, Community Foundation executive director. WWC members were encouraged to bring a guest or potential member to the event. Eddy emphasized that new members are welcome and are an important part of the organization. In addition, gift baskets and prizes were awarded at the event. Any woman who has donated to the WWC fund is considered a member. There are various levels of membership. More information about membership levels and membership applications may be found online at [3]. The commitment deadline to become a member is Dec. 31, with payments due by June 30, 2011.

Pheasant’s Forever Fund Receives Support

A dream remains a dream until someone steps up to the plate and makes the dream come true.

How many of us take it for granted that we be hunting this fall? What if you were not here this fall? What if you physically could not get yourself to the woods and fields? Don’t you think it would be great if someone would lend a hand? That is exactly what we plan to do.

Local Pheasants Forever Chapter 630 has started an endowment fund that will be used to provide a safe and quality outdoor oriented adventure for youth with a life-threatening illness or a severely limiting physical condition. Not just bird hunting but also various hunting, fishing, camping, canoeing or other suitable and available outdoor event or activity. Candidates will be selected from Elk and surrounding counties. We want to make this a memorable event for the kids.

This is your chance to get involved. Please consider your tax deductable charitable donation to the Pheasants Forever Chapter 630 Youth Outdoor Fund. Don’t forget to ask your employer if they will match your donation to this cause. This would be great memorial to a hunting friend from the past. Pass this information on to another hunter.

The PF Youth Outdoor Fund will recognize Founding Corporate Sponsors for those donating $500+ and Founding Individual Sponsors for those donating $250+. The deadline for Founding donations has been extended to the fall Pheasants Forever Chapter 640 Banquet slated for September 11, 2010 at the Red Fern in Kersey, PA. The following businesses have already made commitments as Founding Corporate Sponsors; North Star Aggregates, Woodbed Corp, W&W and Sons Contractors, Veolia Environmental Services, Burkes Home Center, Comtec Mfg. Inc. , C/G Electrodes LLC and Elk County Tool and Die.
Anyone may send a charitable donate to this fund to help us reach our goal of $100,000. Send your check to the Elk County Community Foundation FBO PF Youth Outdoor Fund, 111 Erie Avenue, PO BOX 934, St. Marys, PA 15857. Contact Jane Bryndel for more information at

Thank you for helping the kids!

Women Who Care Plans Annual Meeting

Nancy Caskey, left and Connie Amendola on the right , members of the Women Who Care events committee, recently met to assemble door prize baskets for their up coming meeting. The group will be holding their 1st Annual Membership & Grant Awarding Dinner at LaValle’s Italian Garden at the Royal Inn, Ridgway, PA on September 23, 2010. There will be a special trio pasta dinner served family style including appetizers, door prizes, raffles, games, and a short presentation by the four applicants.

After dinner, voting by the membership will take place and the awarding of the grants will be announced. Any woman who wants to know more about this new group is welcome to join us at 5:30 PM and enjoy an evening with this exciting give away of the $12,000 grant awards. The awards will go to non profit agencies that provide programs and service to Women and their families through out Elk County.

Women Who Care presently is an organization of 97 voting members with its mission statement to strengthen our community by providing funds and assistance to issues that are important to women and families. Guests are welcome to attend. To make a reservation, contact the Elk County Foundation Office at 814–834-2125. You can also find out more about the from at

ECCF is Awarded the PANO Seal of Excellence

By Amy Cherry
Staff Writer for The Daily Press

2010 has proven to be a benchmark year for the Elk County Community Foundation. In addition to celebrating their 10th anniversary and $1 million awarded in grants, the Foundation has been awarded the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) Seal of Excellence for successfully completing the Standards of Excellence certification program.

“I really think we’ve made an impact in the community,” said Paula Fritz-Eddy, Elk County Community Foundation executive director. “We’re becoming more recognizable. The board has done a superb job.”

On Friday afternoon, State Representative Matt Gabler (R-Elk/Clearfield) was on hand to present the foundation a framed certificate of achievement issued by PANO.

The Foundation voluntarily opened itself up to scrutiny by a jury of its peers who examined the ECCF for compliance with PANO’s standards.