Women Who Care Now Accepting Applications


Women Who Care (WWC), a project of the Elk County Community Foundation, announced that their grant applications are now available with a deadline for submission by Aug 15th, 2011. WWC is a women’s giving circle and is in its’ second year of granting. Last year awards totaling $12,000 went to CAPSEA, Salvation Army, and Elk Regional Medical Center. Women Who Care has a membership of 106 women from Elk County.

The purpose of the Women Who Care organization is to strengthen the local communities by engaging and educating women in philanthropy and issues that are important to families. The membership dues and fundraising effort for this year grants will be distributed to various local charitable organizations through a grant application process. Eighty-five percent of the funds collected will be awarded each year. The granting dollars available for this granting cycle will be $15,000. In addition to this years’ membership dues, the group held a rummage sale this past spring that also helped increase the amount of available funds.

Eligible awards will be limited to nonprofit organizations with current 501 (c) (3) status, schools or municipalities who serve the residents of Elk County. Requests must not duplicate the work of other local organizations, and must reflect sustainability and/or other ongoing support. Awards will be given up to $6,000. The awards may be less than the amount requested, and may consider providing matching or challenge grants.

Top grant applications will be presented to the full members at its annual meeting on October 26. At that time each Women Who Care member will have the opportunity to vote for the project(s) to be funded. A short presentation by the agency will be required at that meeting.

Inquiries/questions and requests for applications can be directed to Paula Fritz Eddy of the Elk County Community Foundation at 814-834-2125 or by email at eccf@windstream.net. The Women Who Care organization was established last year as a project of the Elk County Community Foundation.

Pheasants Forever Youth Applications Available Now

The Elk County Community Foundation administers the Pheasants Forever Youth Outdoor Fund. Chapter 630 of Pheasants Forever is accepting applications for its Youth Outdoor Adventure, which allows local children who are terminally ill or permanently disabled to go on outdoor adventures, such as various hunting, fishing, or other suitable and available outdoor events or activities. This year will be the very first year that Chapter 630 will make children’s dreams come true. Applicants must be under 21 years old with a terminal illness or permanent disability. Applications must be accompanied by a letter from a physician on letterhead or prescription pad, stating the youngsters name is a patient, type of life-threatening illness and that it is life-threatening or severely disabling. Applications can be obtained by contacting Paula Fritz Eddy at the Elk County Community Foundation by calling 814-834-2125, email eccf@windstream.net, or by mail at 111 Erie Avenue, St. Marys, PA 15857. Applications will be accepted until July 15, 2011.

2011 Scholarship Winners

By Amy Cherry, Daily Press

As part of its ongoing scholarship program, the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) awarded a total of 83 scholarships to local students this year totaling $77,225. Of those scholarships, 20 were awarded to seniors from St. Marys Area High School, 19 from Ridgway Area High School, 17 from Elk County Catholic High School, 12 from Johnsonburg Area High School, six from DuBois Area High School, four from Brockway Area High School and two from Kane Area High School. Also awarded were five postgraduate scholarships to students already attending a postsecondary institution. These winners were: Blake Housler, Julia Pfaff, Joseph Sorg and Timothy Vollmer, who were awarded the Joseph A. Williams Memorial Medical Scholarship; and Leah Tamburlin, who won the Michele A. Campbell Memorial Nursing Scholarship.”The dollars given to these students will impact generations to come as these young adults shape our communities. Donors who have established these scholarships are contributing to our future leaders,” said Paula Fritz Eddy, ECCF executive director. “The Elk County Community Foundation Board extends their gratitude to those who have seen the need and believe in the youth of today.” Eddy invited anyone interested in establishing a scholarship to contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125.

In addition to those students receiving postgraduate scholarships, the following students were awarded scholarships through ECCF:

ECCF Elects New Board Officers

Elk County Community Foundation is pleased to announce the election of the new Board Officers. Serving the Foundation as President, Mr. Daniel Straub, with Vice President being Don Valone. J. Hamlin Johnson will continue as Treasurer and Richard Smith will serve as Secretary. Every two years a new president is elected and is appointed the task of overseeing board meetings and chairing the Executive Committee. Dan has been involved with the foundation since it inception. He has also served on the Scholarship Committee and many other task groups as needed. He, along with the other new officers, look forward to leading the Foundation into it second decade of existence.

The Elk County Community Foundation is known for giving scholarships and grants to other non-profits in Elk County and surrounding communities but that is not their true business. The real business of the Foundation is helping people, families, groups, and businesses be philanthropic or charitable. We provide the administrative and investment management services that make it easy for donors to accomplish their charitable wishes. These tax deductible donations will improve the quality of life in our communities.

Behind each gift and each charitable fund is a story: a story of vision, generosity, hope, commitment, family history and legacy. The Elk County Community Foundation is a collection of as many as 75 charitable funds-many stories-each reflecting the diverse ways that people choose to help their community and support the causes that matter to them.

At the Elk County Community Foundation, the vision is to connect our donors’ passions to the needs and causes that matter in our community. As an organization, they are consumed with the implications of the current federal and state budget cuts and the economic down turns: for ourselves, for our families and for our community. The Foundation feels that it is even more important for us to be ready and able to help our community in these wavering times. If you are interested in finding out more about how to become involved with the Foundation please call 814-834-2125 or check out their website at www.elkcountyfoundation.com.

Picture includes at right Judith Manno Steger, outgoing President of the Elk County Community Foundation congratulating Daniel Straub, new Board President.

Foundation makes Grant to St. Marys Public Library

Elk County Community Foundation gives Grant to

St. Marys Public Library to be used for the Summer Reading Program.

Representatives of the Saint Marys Public Library and the Elk County Community Foundation met recently to review and give funding for the popular summer reading program held at the Library each summer. Nearly $1,100 came from two different Funds held a the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) to benefit the Library.

Some of the dollars distributed came from the St. Marys Public Library Endowment Fund which had been set up over 9 years ago by some local community leaders. The rest of the grant came from a fund set up for the Library when the Kiwanis Club disbanded. They put their left over treasury in a fund with the Foundation, for the St. Marys Public Library that was designated especially for Children’s Programming.

The St. Marys Public Library’s Summer Reading Program reached an all time high registration with 675 local children registering in 2010. The kids have a great time reading, participating in programs and activities, winning awards and prizes all summer long. This year’s theme is One World — Many Stories, focusing on travel and world countries and cultures.

The focus of the program is to ensure that children maintain their reading level during the summer when they are out of the classroom. Any child who completes the program by reading 10 books or 500 pages from June through August receives a free item from our Scholastic Book Fair held at the close of the program.

The annual Summer Reading Program has been especially successful in St. Marys, which is why it was such set-back when all funding was cut from the program in 2006. Prior to 2006, the program was completely funded with Family Literacy funds through the Even Start Program. When Even Start funding was cut, the library had to make a decision to either raise funds or stop having the Summer Reading Program. There was no question what had to be done.

Forging ahead, the Library turned to local businesses, organizations, and individuals for help in funding this worthwhile program which costs approximately $5,000 per year.

The community has rallied behind the library and made it possible to continue to not only hold the Summer Reading Program, but to watch it grow with more and more children registering every year. Every donor can rest assured that their contribution is going to the betterment of our community’s future.

The library has begun its annual fundraising drive for the Summer Reading Program. The library would appreciate donations from anyone who is interested in insuring the success of the Summer Reading Program.

Registration for One World — Many Stories begins June 1st through the month and ends on Aug 15 with the last day of reward pick up.

ECCF is a non profit organization that manages endowed funds established by donors for area non profit organizations as wells as administers a number of scholarships for individuals and groups. Donor gifts to the Foundations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For more information contact Paula Fritz Eddy at 814-834-2125 or check out their website at www.elkcountyfoundation.com.