Northwest Savings Bank Presents Check

Recently Northwest Savings Bank presented a $40,000 check to the Elk County Community Foundation. These funds will be included in the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) which then will make grants available to area public schools to support innovative educational programs that do not fall within the typical academic program. The funds for these innovative programs are administered and distributed through the foundation, which has been designated to serve as an Educational Improvement Organization by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. During 2012 the Elk County Community Foundation spent $26,300 through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program . St. Marys, Johnsonburg and Ridgway Area School Districts were able to apply for grants for programming. These grants impacted nearly 3,500 students throughout the county.

At St. Marys Area School District their goal is to continue to infuse 21st century technology into the classrooms for teacher and student access. They added two interactive whiteboards for the Middle school along with two laptop and three ipads. The interactive white board will enable the teachers and students to maximize the on-line resources.

The Johnsonburg Area School District has used the grant money to replace equipment in the area of technology which will benefit our teachers and students with 15 HP probook laptop computers with Windows 7 for their Middle School classes.

The Ridgway Area School District has used the grant money to purchase an IPad mobile lab containing 20 Ipads. Digital Streaming and applications can be accessed to enhance individual learning.

Any entity authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and subject to certain taxes is eligible to apply. Tax Credits are limited to 75% of the businesses contribution with a maximum of $100,000annually. If a business agrees to make the same contribution for two consecutive tax years, it may receive a tax credit equal to 90% of its contribution.

If businesses wish to participate, they must submit a brief application to the DCED. The application can be found at The Foundation also has applications and further information available to assist with the business application process.

Pictures are in Front(left to right): Don Valone, Foundation Board President and Kevin Oknefski, SVP, District manager from Northwest Savings Bank(NWS)

In back(left to right) Linda Decker, NWS Branch Manager; Paula Fritz Eddy, Foundation Executive Director; Lori Nussbaum; NWS Administrative Support; Barbie Cummings NWS Trust Officer

Non Profit Networking Academy

The Non-Profit Academy is a partnership between the Elk County Community Foundation and a network of Leadership Elk County Alumni. In this 6-hour conference, attendees will network, share and learn. This event will feature a keynote speaker and workshops on recruiting and retaining volunteers, time management, fundraising and marketing strategies and more.

WHO: Non-profit leaders, executives, front line staff, board members and volunteers from Elk County and the surrounding region are encouraged to attend. There will be a minimal registration fee (continental breakfast and lunch provided).

WHERE: The Red Fern Conference & Banquet Center, 421 Old Kersey Rd., Kersey, PA 15846

WHEN: October 8th, 2013 from 8:00 AM- 1:30 PM

REGISTER TODAY: Download this registration form, complete form and email to or mail to the Elk County Community Foundation at P.O. Box 934 Saint Marys, PA 15857


Break-Out Session Description

Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers of All Ages

With Natalie Aiello and Brandi Hanes

Understanding the important role your volunteers play for your organization and learning how to keep them happy and engaged. Showing the impact for longevity with volunteers.

Fundraising Fundamentals

With Karen Buchheit, Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation

An Overview of fundraising principles and programs – covers the gamut of fundraising programs and explains how the different types of programs work together, the development process, stewardship, and more. This session will also touch on some tips for getting your board more engaged in fundraising for your organization.

Finding the “Hot Spots” on the Form 990

(Be sure to bring your organization’s 990 with you!)

With Tish Mogan, PANO Standard of Excellence Officer

Now more than ever, the IRS Form 990 has become one of the most important public relations documents for nonprofits. With renewed debate over the value of rating charities based solely on percentage spent on program activities and the recent “Help End the Overhead Myth” campaign, there is increased reliance on the Form 990 for a complete picture of an organization’s financial health and community value. This workshop approaches the long Form 990 from the perspectives of donors, funders and regulators. In this session you will learn to :1) Recognize components of the Form 990 schedules that are critical and could be overlooked. 2)Explore and discuss the Form 990 from the perspectives of a donor, funder and regulator. 3) Learn best practices for using the Form 990 as a tool to provide transparency on a charity’s operations.

Meeting Management: Practices to Keep Board Meetings Energized and Productive

With Tish Mogan, PANO Standard of Excellence Officer

“I can’t wait until the next board meetingJ!” or “Oh no… another board meeting to go toL .” Which comes closest to your experience of board meetings? Board members need on-going education and review of the most effective ways they can exercise their roles to achieve mission. At the same time, a few “tips” to keep board members engaged will also promote a board meeting that we want to attend and that focuses on achieving mission. In this session you will learn to: 1)Recognize appropriate roles for board and staff.2) Explore strategies for conducting high quality meetings. 3) Identify good behaviors and bad behaviors for board chairs.

Marketing Today : The Basics

With John Salter, Owner/General Manager of Salter Communications

In this workshop simple and effective market strategies will be discussed. A mix of traditional and social mediums highlighting what works and what doesn’t!

Time Management Tips for Home and Work

With Paula Fritz Eddy, Executive Director of the Elk County Community Foundation

This workshop is based on the book Time Management for Dummies by Dirk Zeller. Explore tips, techniques and helpful hints on how to make the most of your day. You may not have the power to get yourself more time, but you do have the power to make the most of it.

For more infomation:

Contact Paula Fritz Eddy at the Elk County Community Foundation

Phone: 814-834-2125, Email:


Women Who Care Grant Applications are currently available with a deadline for submission by August 15th, 2013. The granting dollars available for this granting cycle will be $16,000. The organization has given $43,800 back to the community over the past three years to area agencies to enhance programs that provide valuable services to our local families. In 2013, Women Who Care will be reserving a portion of our grant dollars specifically for Arts and Recreation projects.

Pictured are children enjoying a new piece of equipment that was funded by WWC’s 2012 grants given to Johnsonburg Borough for its East End Playground. Other projects funded in 2012 were: Elk County Children and Youth Services provided children with a needs a bed and bed linens;

Guardian Angel Center piloted a disposable diaper program; and the Penn State Cooperative Extension office and the 4-H program instituted a Robotics Club in the community.

The purpose of the Women Who Care (WWC) organization is to strengthen the local communities by engaging and educating women in philanthropy and issues that are important to families. This year the Women Who Care has 135 members and is growing steady. WWC will distribute dollars to various local charitable organizations through a grant application process. Eligible awards will be limited to nonprofit organizations with current 501 (c) (3) status, schools or municipalities who serve the residents of Elk County. Requests must not duplicate the work of other local organizations, and must reflect sustainability and/or other ongoing support. Awards amounts will be given up to $6,000. Top grant applications will be presented to the full members at its annual meeting in the fall where the membership will vote on the projects.

Inquiries/questions and requests for applications can be directed to Paula Fritz Eddy of the Elk County Community Foundation at 814-834-2125 or by email at or by visiting their website at . The Women Who Care organization was established as a project of the Elk County Community Foundation.

Pictured are children from King’s Daycare.

2013 Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Grant Presentation

The Elk County Community Foundation’s

Presents Four Grants to local Organizations.

Recently, the Elk County Community Foundation Board of Directed approved grants to be distributed from the Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund. The Advisors for that Fund recommended four organizations to receive $22,170. These organizations are the Community Education Council, Elkland Search and Rescue, City of St. Marys Police Department, and the Elk County Catholic High School.

The Community Education Council received $4,500 for the installation of a new and expanded security system. The new system will provide more protection for all of the learners that attend classes at the CEC, as well as the employees and professors.

Elkland Search and Rescue received $12,970 for the use of building the new training facility. Once finished the training facility will be the only training building solely devoted to search and rescue in Pennsylvania. The courses and trainers will instruct the members in the latest techniques and technology.

The City of St. Marys Police Department received $3,200 to assist with their D.A.R.E. programs in the local schools. D.A.R.E. is a program that raises awareness of the effects of Drug and Alcohol usage to children in schools. This grant will allow the policemen more classroom time to teach.

The Elk County Catholic High School received $1,500 to fund the startup costs of the Future Business Leaders of America Program. The program teaches students how to become leaders, how business works, gaining software skills, and developing career awareness.

The Advisors of the Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund goal is to continue to support the philanthropic causes that were important to both Harrison and Muriel. Ted Schneider, one of the Fund Advisory was on hand to present the checks to each organization’s representative. “Their interests varied included educating youth, literacy, care of the elderly, along with the true volunteer organizations doing work within the community” said Paula Fritz Eddy, Executive Director for the Foundation.

The Foundation accepts request for grants quarterly for this Fund. If anyone would like to get more information about receiving a grant or establishing a fund of their own, please contact Paula Fritz Eddy at 814-834-2125 or visit our website at

2013 Scholarships

Scholarships Awarded


The Elk County Community Foundation awarded a total of 97 scholarships to local students this year totaling over $117,000 in scholarship funds. Graduating seniors from area high schools were the recipients. Sixteen scholarships went Elk County Catholic, thirty to St. Marys Area, fourteen to Johnsonburg Area, twenty-one to Ridgway Area, one to Cameron County Area High School, and five went to Kane Area High School. Another six scholarships were given to students at DuBois and Brockway Area High Schools. Finally, four additional scholarships were awarded to students who were already in attendance at a post-secondary institution.


The dollars given to these students will impact generations to come, as these young adults begin to shape our communities.  Donors who have established these scholarships are contributing to our future leaders.  The Elk County Community Foundation Board extends their gratitude to those who have seen the need and believe in the youth of today.   Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125.


Scholarships Awarded This Year


St. Marys Area High School

Nicholas Sinibaldi Memorial Music Scholarship

  • Brianna Pontzer

Mary Filano Memorial Scholarship

  • Lorie Baxter

Angie Bertolasio Memorial Scholarship

  • Samuel Atwell

Dean Schrecengost Memorial Scholarship

  • Marissa Smith

Lori De’Angelo Memorial Scholarship

  • Robert Rhoades

Helene Bowley Memorial Scholarship

  • Melissa Bauer
  • Taylor Bellina
  • Rachel Ehrensberger
  • Alicia Gerg
  • Alec Foster
  • Rachel Ginther
  • Mitchell Ovell
  • Matthew Quesenberry
  • Robert Rhoades
  • Amanda Simbeck

Howard M. Keebler Memorial Scholarship

  • Miranda Dent

Martha C. Selle Memorial Scholarship

  • Cheyanne Bailey

Pearl Llewellyn Memorial Nursing Scholarship

  • Miranda Dent

Straub Brewery, Inc. Scholarship

  • Samuel Atwell
  • Alex Schreiber

Christopher Forster Memorial Scholarship

  • Matthew Wickett

Bev Hogan Memorial Nursing Scholarship

  • Samantha Garner

Sara K. Folino Memorial Art Scholarship

  • Amber Gerarge

SGL Carbon USA LLC Scholarship

  • Robert Rhoades
  • Alex Schreiber

Taylor Schutz Lady Dutch Basketball Scholarship

  • Rebecca Krieg

Perry G. Klein Memorial Scholarship

  • Alex Schreiber

Elk County Farm Bureau Scholarship

  • Rachel Krieg

St. Marys Jaycees

  • Matthew Wickett

Golumbic Art Scholarship

  • Lorie Baxter

Elk County Catholic High School

Ridgway Rotary Club Scholarship

  • Kayla Weis

Dr. John E. Scholder Fine Arts Scholarship

  • Sophie Herzing

Dick Fava Memorial Scholarship

  • Kelsey Karpinski

Helene Bowley Memorial Scholarship

  • Morgan Onink
  • Laura Buchheit
  • Michelle Imbrogno
  • Cassandra Riddle

Johnsonburg Rotary Alva K. Gregory Memorial Scholarship

  • Taylor DaCanal

Howard M. Keebler Memorial Scholarship

  • Jessica Ginther

Straub Brewery, Inc. Scholarship

  • Kristy Hanes
  • Stephanie Zimmerman

SGL Carbon LLC Scholarship

  • Maura Keyes
  • Taylor DaCanal

St. Benedict Scholarship

  • Linnea Stager

Graf Tech USA LLC Scholarship

  • Scott Reichard

Christian Cordero Memorial Scholarship

  • Daniel Stauffer

Johnsonburg Area High School

Alva K. Gregory Memorial Scholarship

  • Josie DelRio

Caribardi Family Scholarship

  • Samantha Bevacqua

Helene Bowley Memorial Scholarship

  • Emilee DeMay
  • Lisa Feronti
  • Quinn Luhr
  • Emily Michael
  • Josie DelRio


Johnsonburg Alumni and Friends Scholarship

  • Rhianon Fowler
  • Caleb Hefright
  • Lisa Feronti

Perry G. Klein Memorial Scholarship

  • Dylan Dilulio

Dr. Sandra Calkins Kowalski Nursing Scholarship

  • Brittany Watts

Johnsonburg American Legion Scholarship

  • Rhianon Fowler

Thomas Detwiler Scholarship

  • David Redmond

Ridgway Area High School

Hasselman/Hopton Memorial Scholarship

  • Logan Feronti

Helene Bowley Memorial Scholarship

  • Madison Yankovich
  • Christine Schauer
  • Katie Okneski
  • Logan Feronti
  • Robert Byrd
  • Emily Larnder
  • Ellie Woodford
  • Luke Bobby
  • Emily Pierce

Jacqueline M. Renaud National Honor Society Memorial Scholarship

  • Joseph Jacques

Frank Clark Memorial Scholarship

  • Anthony Leithner

Judge Vernon “Buddy” Roof Scholarship

  • Joseph Jacques

Herbert B. Lenze Boys Basketball Scholarship

  • Joseph Jacques

Herbert B. Lenze Marching Band Scholarship

  • Marianne Aboussov

Josh Launer Memorial Scholarship

  • Tracey Ecklund

Grandinetti Educational Scholarship

  • Daniel Connelly

Jones Family Scholarship

  • Shawn Colson
  • Morgan Eckenroth

RAHS Alumni Scholarship

  • Abigail Lampman

Ridgway Elker Pride and Spirit Scholarship

  • Alex Parson

Kane Area High School

Sashy and Gladys Kane Perpetual Scholarship

  • Jordan Huntzinger

Jeff and Shelli Johnson Memorial Scholarship

  • Jeannine Smith

Diana J. Hulings Memorial Scholarship

  • Kyla Hoag

Donna M. Hulings Memorial Scholarship

  • Nichole Sluga

Gary Meckley Scholarship

  • Dawn Saquin

DuBois Area High School

Robert P. Martini Memorial Scholarship

  • Rachel Smith
  • Samantha Kirk
  • David Stormer

Ruth E. Reed Memorial Nursing Scholarship

  • Kaitlin Rucinski

Brockway Area High School

Robert P. Martini Memorial Scholarship

  • Kent Sabatose
  • Zachary Puhala


Cameron County Area High School


Gloria V. Anderson Scholarship

  • Katrina Neyman

Post Graduation Scholarships

Joseph A. Williams Memorial Medical Scholarship

  • Eric Mastrogincomo
  • David Rupprecht

Michele A. Campbell Memorial Nursing Scholarship

  • Leah Tamburlin

Greiner/Roof Memorial Law Scholarship

  • Amy Hoh