Entries by Ann

ECCF open grants available, due July 15

Grants available at ECCF The Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) is accepting grant applications through July 15 from 501c3 organizations who wish to apply for funding from The Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund or the Elk County Development Fund.  The Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Family Fund awards grants to support worthy projects […]

Grant awarded to St. Marys Heritage Preservation Group

The James and Gloria Straub Memorial Fund of the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) awarded a grant for $500 to the St. Marys Heritage Preservation Group towards the flowers that beautify our downtown area each summer. Dan Straub is the advisor for the Straub Memorial Fund and he had the opportunity to talk with the […]

St. Boniface receives over $103,000 from Sicheri grants

Recently, the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) leadership had the opportunity to visit the St. Boniface pre-school. The Community Foundation provided a $68,819 grant this year for the school and for tuition assistance for the students attending the Montessori based pre-school program. In addition, ECCF granted another $34,369 to St. Boniface Church for their Faith […]