2013 Grant Applications are now available.
Application for Elk County Community Foundation
The Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF), an affiliate of the Community Foundation of North Central Pennsylvania, announces their annual granting cycle applications are now available to area nonprofit organizations. The ECCF welcomes applications for funding as part of its mission to promote the betterment of Elk County and to enhance the quality of the life for all residents. Applications will be accepted through July 15, 2013 and are available by calling the ECCF’s office at 834-2125 or via their website at www.elkcountyfoundation.com.
Funds will be award for such community development initiatives that will enhance the economic and community well-being of Elk County. Distribution from the grants can be used to meet special project or program needs of organizations serving the people ofElkCounty. The Foundation encourages organizations that will serve a particular need of the community and will make a lasting impact on the overall community to apply. The Foundation seeks to fund projects or activities that will serve the needs of many in the community rather than the needs of a few individuals. Projects should include activities that are innovative and have a plan to be sustained themselves. In addition, grants are made to support programs serving all persons regardless of race, religion or creed and are made only to tax-exempt, charitable organizations.
Organizations that feel they meet the above criteria of the economic and community development are invited to submit their application to the foundation. Grants will be reviewed and approved by the end of August. The funds come from the Foundation’s endowed Community Economic and Development fund and the Fund of the Future general endowment. The form now must be completed electronically and returned via email.
In 2012, over $32,300 was awarded to several organizations which include:
The St. Marys Economic Development Corporation (EDC) for their Revolving Loan Program
Community, Nurses Inc.
Mt. Zion Historical Society
Johnsonburg Borough
ECCHS Band Boosters
St. Leo School
County of Elk Recycling Office
Ridgway Township
St. Marys Heritage Preservation Group (Picture attached of the newly completed Downtown Beautification Project including Hanging Flower Baskets that were first seen complete at the Memorial Day Celebrations)
The Foundation also administers a number of other funds that grant throughout the year. Check out the other Grant application on their website at www.elkcountyfoundation.com. ECCF is a non-profit organization that manages endowed funds established by donors for area non-profit organizations. Donor gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.