ECCF grants for Pre-K programs available – application deadline is January 15

Grants for Pre-K programs available at ECCF
Grants for Pre-K programs available at ECCF
The Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) is accepting grant applications through January 15 from non-profit organizations and schools that provide educational services for the Pre-K community. The grants are available from the Elk County Society for Special Services Fund (ECSSS).
The ECCSS fund was established to assist any nonprofit agency that provides services for the purposes of providing Pre-K education. The purpose of the grant should be to improve programs that are already established or to develop new programs. This fund will not cover direct operating expenses of an agency, rather it hopes to enhance an organization’s programs.
Some of the Elk County Society for Special Services grant awards from past grant cycles were a $2,000 grant to the Johnsonburg Pre K for a new curriculum, and a $3,000 grant to Cen Clear for their Behavioral Interventions and Support Program, $2,000 to St. Leo School for program supplies and equipment, and $1,000 to the Ridgway YMCA for IPads.
For instructions on how to apply for a grant, go to the Foundation website at Contact our office at 834-2125 with any questions. The Elk County Community Foundation is a non-profit grant-making organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in our geographic area by partnering with philanthropic donors to help them meet their charitable goals.