Johnsonburg Alumni and Friend’s Establishes a New Scholarship

The Johnsonburg Alumni and Friend’s organization has recently established an annual scholarship fund at the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF). The initial purpose of this alumni group was to have all graduating classes from Johnsonburg Area High School and Friends to come together and enjoy the evening with classmates, relatives, neighbors, and friends. This event held in the fall of year has been going on since 2004. The reunion has been well received and many JAHS alumni and friends return each year to participate.
After much success the group also decided to establish an annual scholarship fund that would be offered to a graduating senior to benefit the student’s college funding. The scholarship will give future graduates a start for their continuing education. “We are inspired that our goal will give them (JAHS students) an opportunity for success” said Rita Blint one of the organizers of the committee. Applicants must be a graduating JAHS senior who is active in their school, church and community. Applications for the scholarship will be available through guidance counselor office at Johnsonburg Area High School by the end of January.

For the past few years the group has been administering the scholarship themselves but, as the fund grew, they looked into the benefits of establishing the scholarship through the Elk County Community Foundation. Recently, they decided to have the Foundation administer the scholarship as they do a number of other scholarships from the school, including the Alva K. Gregory Memorial/Johnsonburg Rotary, the Dr. Sandra Kowalski Nursing and the Caribardi Family Scholarships. Donations can now be given towards the scholarship through the Foundation, which will also offer the donor a tax benefit. The Foundation is considered a public charity and has an IRS registered 501(c) 3 status. Donations can be accepted at the Foundation, P.O. Box 934, St. Marys, PA 15857.

Another reason the committee chose to bring the scholarship to the Elk County Community Foundation is because the Foundation is approved as a PATH organization (Partners to Access to Higher Education). PATH is a special program through PHEAA that will offer some additional funding to student who qualify. Last year Students from the area who receive ECCF scholarships received an additional $27,500. The Foundation is only one of 35 organizations in Pennsylvania that are partners with this program.

The Foundation also assists donors who have an interest in starting a scholarship fund, whether as a general purpose or in the memory of a deceased family member or friend. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Paula Fritz Eddy, Executive Director at the Foundation for more information either by calling 814-834-2125 or visiting their website a

St. Marys Home Town Festival Inc. makes Donation

The St. Marys Home Town Festival Inc. made a donation the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF). The donation will be added to the “Fund of the Future” which is one of 60 funds held at the Foundation. The “Fund of the Future” distributes grants that address a broad range of current and future needs. Elk County Community Foundation evaluates all aspects of community well-being—arts and culture, community development, education, environment, health and human services—and awards strategic grants to selected projects and programs annual. The next scheduled grant cycle will be in August of 2009. Application will be due by July 15, and can be found the Foundations website

Vern Kreckle III, the final President of the St. Marys Hometown Festival Inc. said that after 19 years almost to the day, making this donation to the Foundation was final transaction for the group. Gifts like this made to the Elk County Community Foundation are very special. They allow individual and organizations to make a lasting, positive impact on our community. Since funds held at the Foundation are funds that will be invested in their community and the people that live there, the group had decided this best reflected what they tried to do for the community over the years.

Community Foundation Offers Scholarship

Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) announces that applications for local scholarships are available to area students. The Foundation has 32 scholarships programs that will distribute over $61,000 in scholarship funds this upcoming season. Each scholarship is unique in their field of study, eligibility and community it serves.

The following is the list of scholarship available to all students through out Elk County:Elk County Farm Bureau ScholarshipGloria V. Anderson Music ScholarshipHelene L. Bowley Memorial ScholarshipMichele Campbell Memorial Nursing ScholarshipPerry G. Klein Memorial ScholarshipRuth E. Reed Nursing ScholarshipThe following scholarships are available for students attending specific schools or from a particular community:

  • Angie Bertolasio Memorial Scholarship
  • Bev Hogan Memorial Nursing Scholarship fund
  • Caribardi Family Scholarship
  • Christopher Forster Memorial Scholarship fund
  • Dean Schrecengost Scholarship
  • Dr. John E. Schloder Scholarship Fund for Fine Arts
  • Dr. Sandra Calkins Kowalski Scholarship Fund
  • Frank Clark ScholarshipHasselman/Hopton Scholarship Fund
  • Herbert B. Lenze Boys Basketball Scholarship
  • Herbert B. Lenze Marching Band Scholarship
  • Howard M. Keebler Scholarship
  • Jacqueline M. Renaud National Honor Society Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Johnsonburg Alumni and Friends Scholarship
  • Johnsonburg Rotary Club Alva K. Gregory Scholarship
  • Joseph A. Williams Medical Scholarship
  • Judge Vernon “Buddy” Roof Memorial Scholarship
  • Lori De’Angelo Scholarship
  • Martha C. Selle Scholarship
  • Mary I. Filano Memorial Scholarship fund
  • Nicholas Sinibaldi Music Scholarship Fund
  • Pearl Llewellyn Memorial Nursing Scholarship
  • Ridgway Rotary Scholarship
  • Robert P. Martini Scholarship
  • Sara K. Folino Memorial Art Scholarship
  • Sashy & Gladys Kane Memorial Scholarship
  • St. Marys Jaycees Scholarship
  • Straub Brewery Scholarship

Applications for scholarships are available through guidance counselor offices at each of the participating high schools or by calling our office at 834-2125. All scholarships have specific requirements and are due soon to the school scholarship committee. The school committees will review the applications and will make their recommendations. The final decision then rests on the four members ECCF Scholarship Committee.

In addition to the dollars given though these scholarships, the Elk County Community Foundation is approved as a PATH Program organization. If a student is awarded a scholarship from the Community Foundation we will submit your name to AES/PHEAA for additional scholarship funding through PATH. To be eligible, the student must be enrolled in an approved Pennsylvania College or career school and be a State Grant recipient. This past year students who receive ECCF scholarships received a total of $27,000 addition funds. The Foundation is only one of 35 organizations in Pennsylvania that are partners with this program.

The Community Foundation also assists donors who have an interest in starting a scholarship fund, whether as a general purpose or in the memory of a deceased family member or friend. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the foundation for further information on the matter.

Elk County Community Foundation Prepares for Granting Cycle

The Elk County Community Foundation announces their annual granting cycle applications are now available to area nonprofit organizations. The ECCF welcomes applications for funding as part of its mission to promote the betterment of Elk County and to enhance the quality of the life for all residents.

Funds will be award for such community development initiatives that will enhance the economic and community well being of Elk County. Distribution from the grants can be used to meet special project or program needs of organizations serving the people of Elk County. The Foundation encourages organizations that will serve a particular need of the community and will make a lasting impact on the overall community to apply. The Foundation seeks to fund projects or activities that will serve the needs of many in the community rather than the needs of a few individuals. Projects should include activities that are innovative and have a plan to be sustained themselves. In addition, grants are made to support programs serving all persons regardless of race, religion or creed and are made only to tax-exempt, charitable organizations.

Organizations that feel they meet the above criteria of the economic and community development are invited to submit their application to the foundation. Applications will be accepted through July 15, 2009 and are available by calling the ECCF’s office at 834-2125 or via their website at

Grants will be reviewed and approved by the end of August. The funds come from the foundation’s endowed community development fund and the Fund of the Future general endowment.

In 2008, over $40,000 was awarded to several organizations which include:

  • The St. Marys Economic Development Corporation for their Revolving Loan Program
  • Johnsonburg Area School District
  • Ridgway Area School District
  • ECCOTA Summer Concert Series
  • Dickinson Mental Health Center
  • Johnsonburg Community Trust
  • City of Saint Marys Kaulmont Park Project
  • Fox Township Hospital Equipment

ProgramCommunity Nurses Charity CareECCF is a non profit organization that manages endowed funds established by donors for area non profit organizations. Donor gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

2009 Scholarships Awarded

The Elk County Community Foundation awarded a total of 78 scholarships to local students this year totaling $62,725.00 in scholarship funds. Graduating seniors from Elk County Catholic, St. Marys Area, Johnsonburg Area, Ridgway Area, and Kane Area were the recipients of these scholarships. Fourteen scholarships went Elk County Catholic, twenty-two to St. Marys Area, twelve to Johnsonburg Area, twelve to Ridgway Area, and two went to Kane Area High School. Another six scholarships were given to students at DuBois and Brockway Area High Schools. Also, ten additional scholarships were awarded to students who were already in attendance at a post secondary institution.
The dollars given to these students will impact generations to come as these young adults shape our communities. Donors who have established these scholarships are contributing to our future leaders. The Elk County Community Foundation Board extends their gratitude to those who have seen the need and believe in the youth of today. Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship can contact the Foundation at 814-834-2125.