Women Who Care Grant Applications Available
Women Who Care Grant Applications will be available as of May 1, 2010 with a deadline for submission by July 15th, 2010.
The purpose of the Women Who Care (WWC) organization is to strengthen the local communities by engaging and educating women in philanthropy and issues that are important to families. The funds that were collected for the WWC will be distributed to various local charitable organizations through a grant application process. Eighty-five percent of the funds collected will be awarded each year, ten percent of the funds will become part of an endowment and five percent will cover the administrative expenses. This first year the Women Who Care realized or $14,000 with 97 members. The granting dollars available for this granting cycle will be $12,000.
Eligible awards will be limited to nonprofit organizations with current 501 (c) (3) status, schools or municipalities who serve the residents of Elk County. Requests must not duplicate the work of other local organizations, and must reflect sustainability and/or other ongoing support. Awards will be given up to $6,000. The awards may be less than the amount requested, and may consider providing matching or challenge grants.
Top grant applications will be presented to the full members at its annual meeting in the fall. At that time each Women Who Care member will have the opportunity to vote for the project(s) to be funded. A short presentation by the agency will be required at that time.
Inquiries/questions and requests for applications can be directed to Paula Fritz Eddy of the Elk County Community Foundation at 814-834-2125 or by email at eccf@windstream.net. The Women Who Care organization was established last year as a project of the Elk County Community Foundation.